Dungeon Finder


  1. Dungeon Finder Minecraft
  2. Dungeon Finder World Of Warcraft
Dungeon finder mc

The issue that the dungeon finder doesnt find any match or that you cant leave the queue anymore. The Dungeon Finder window (default keybinding: 'i') includes the 'Dungeon Finder' tab and interface along with Raid Finder and Scenario Finder modes. It also hosts the Challenge Mode UI via a 'Challenges' tab. Patch changes Note: This is a generic section stub. You can help expand it by clicking Edit to the right of the section title. External links Note: This is a generic section stub. Of course dungeon ques are going to be super long for some expansions over others, especially when a lot of players are choosing expansions based off the amount of leveling time. Comment by Muvluv on 2020-10-15T20:00:45-05:00. They should allowed all the dungeons to be In the finder for that would be the best and quickest way to make it all work.

Dungeon Finder

Dungeon Finder Minecraft


Dungeon Finder World Of Warcraft

DFBang by Natch
Ever missed a Dungeon Finder queue because you were surfing and had WoW in the background? No more! This addon will unmute sound (if muted) and play a sound when the Dungeon Finder accept window pops up (even when backgrounded.)
There are a few configuration options for controlling
the volume of the playback, have a look in DFBang.lua for details.
4.0.1 patch update:
I have removed the ability to set your own soundfile in the configuration
until I can find a clean solution to a certain problem. If you really want
your own however you can still muck around in the code or overwrite bang.mp3.
6.0.2 patch notes:
It seems Blizzard broke PlaySoundFile() so only ogg files are working at the
Q: Will it re-mute (if originally muted) my sound after playing the sound?
A: Of course.
Q: Will it disable background sound playback (if disabled before) after playing the sound?
A: Indeed.
Q: Will it set my volume to what I had before if I enable loudness?
A: Aye.
Q: How many dungeon queues have you missed since you wrote this addon?
A: None!
Q: Is there a similar addon for battleground queues?
A: There is now! You can find it here.
Q: Background sound doesn't work!
A: There seems to be an issue for some where addons cannot enable background sound, so you have to do that manually unfortunately (check the Background sound checkbox in sound options). I've tried to fix it but nothing works. Sorry for the inconvenience.